woman sitting on sales call

How to be Effective at Sales

1. Focus 90% of your time with a prospect on discovery.

Listen. Ask questions like: why does that matter? Who does that effect? How much does that cost you? How many other people are affected? 2. Be relevant.

2. Understand the challenges facing the customer.

Provide solutions that address those challenges. State them clearly. 

"This solution will increase your app based sales by $2m per year and reduce overhead by 5%."

3. Identify the decision maker and get to that person.

Without this person, you cannot close the deal. 

4. Be effective by focusing on the right deals/customers.

Qualify prospects early and often. Do not waste your time convincing someone to buy who doesn’t want to buy or trying to sell to someone who can’t buy. 

5. Quality over quantity.

Hire experienced people OR build the necessary skills on the team who can help you close deals that actually grow the company. Choose 5 deals at high margins vs 20 deals at low margins. Do not get caught in transactional crap that doesn’t move the needle. 

6. Be consistent in the sales process.

Do not skip steps or cut corners.  If you do, the deal is more likely to fall apart. 

7. Build value. Build value. Build value.

Use data to present meaningful and useful information to the customer. 

8. Never stop creating leads.

They have to come from somewhere. Understand the numbers and what it takes to achieve a sale from inbound leads and outbound efforts. Set a goal. Then work backwards. 

"My goal is to sell 30 cars a month. I know that if I send out 100 emails to previous customers asking them if they want to trade in their car for a new one, I will get 10 responses, 5 will set appointments, 3 will show up, and I will sell 2 cars. I also know that if 25 people submit a request online for a quote, I will get 8 responses, 4 will set appointments, 3 will show up, and I will sell 2 cars. So, I can send 1,500 cold emails in 30 days, generate 375 inbound leads in 30 days, or use a combo."

If you know what it takes and you are disciplined, you can better predict future sales.

Play the odds. I almost never sold a car on a Thursday, so I stopped working Thursdays. The odds of me selling more than 1 car a day on weekdays was slim, so as soon as I sold a car I went home, even if I sold it first thing in the morning. I averaged 6-9 sales a weekend and on the last day of the month I could sell at least 3 cars. This changed when I worked and how I worked.  

Be real. Be accessible. Build trust. Build a relationship.

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